Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Howdy Trojan Friends & Family,
Ronnie's web news attached along with a nice feature from TofR, RoseBowletin, a great way to catch up on college football news and plan your TV viewing for today.

Well we had a heck of a week last week, we were so happy to have the Davidson Family in town and had a lot of fun doing all things Trojan with them. While we greatly miss Ryan, we are so happy & grateful when they come around. Fight On! Kirby, Amy & Mallory, you have a standing invitation to come back any time you'd like, mi casa, su casa.

No video blog yet, the website still crashed, computer guy issues with busted URLs etc. however I have been assured that this "fix" will be in this week. In the interim we have been keeping abreast of all things USC Trojan Football by following the usual websites but more lately
have been sticking to www.WeAreSC.com <http://www.wearesc.com/> and Ben Malcolmson's blog on usctrojans.com http://www.usctrojans.com/blog/

We shot the First quarter and half of the San Jose State USC game and will have a video blog post shortly. Mostly pregame and 1st quarter. Left early to shot Coaches video for Mikey's team the Pasadena Trojans. Tough game for the Tiny Trojans, virtually no practice due to brush fire driven air quality issues last week and they played North Long Beach, a feeder program for Long Beach Poly, Looking for a big rebound this week against Lakewood, 7 p.m. today, yes I will be there, so please don't call me or text me with the SC game score, the DVR will be ready for us when we get in!

In the meantime, its been a very busy two weeks for the YouTube site, we went over 80,000 views, shot and posted some incredible aerial firefighting footage from our neighborhood (we are OK), and made two very special videos for the Davidson's that were same day blogged and added to the collection. As always we are grateful to our viewers and hope you enjoy the stuff.

We had to break the email into 2 groups due to AT&T's draconian anti spam policy, we are only allowed to send out and email with 100 addresses. So if we get you twice, it's because we love you and we made a mistake, LOL.

Fight On! Beat the Buckeyes!!